When you don’t know what else to do – Crisis Intervention Now (CIN) does

Welcome to Crisis Intervention Now (CIN), your global partner in overcoming substance use disorder and behavioral health challenges. Founded by Thomas McAlinden, Philip Argento and Jill Milano. Our dedicated team provides comprehensive services including sober companionship, interventions, sober transport, and sober coaching. Working in collaboration with trusted clinicians, treatment centers and families to achieve long lasting results. No matter where you are, we’re here to guide you through moments of crisis. Reach out to us for compassionate support on your journey to recovery.

CIN specializes in providing crucial support for our private clients and their families grappling with the complexities of addiction and mental health challenges. Our expert team engages in timely and targeted crisis interventions, offering immediate assistance during moments of acute distress. Crises involving addiction, mental health, family dynamics, legal situations and various other negative behaviors are what we assist our private clients with.  Collaborating with other clinicians, treatment centers, sober livings and utilizing our vast network of resources help us provide positive long lasting outcomes. In addition to crisis interventions, we offer dedicated sober companionship services. Our companions provide steadfast support to clients in their daily lives, fostering a sober and stable environment. This personalized assistance helps individuals navigate the complexities of recovery, offering companionship and guidance throughout their journey. Where compassionate support meets personalized care. Our unique global company is built on the principles of understanding, empathy, and tailored solutions. Our ability to respond to crisis situations nationwide and globally is what sets us apart. With over 25 years experience in the field of addiction treatment and behavioral health   CIN stands ready to respond to individuals and families in crisis. If you are considering doing an intervention on a loved one or are struggling with something yourself please reach out to us, we can help.

Check out the rest of our site to learn more about the services CIN offers to assist clients. 

About Us

Your global partner in overcoming addiction and behavioral health challenges. Providing immediate support during challenging times

Our Mission

CIN has a very focused mission. Please continue reading to learn more about what Crisis Intervention Now is dedicated to

Our Team

Our dedicated team has over 25 years experience in the field of addiction treatment and behavioral health.

Signs to Recognize the Need for Drug /Alcohol or Mental Health Crisis Intervention

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Recognizing the signs that indicate the need for a drug/alcohol or mental health crisis intervention is crucial for the well-being of individuals and their loved ones. Early intervention can help prevent further harm and provide the necessary support for recovery. In this article, we will discuss some common signs that may indicate the need for intervention.

1. Drastic Changes in Behavior

One of the key indicators that someone may require a crisis intervention is a sudden and significant change in their behavior. This could include extreme mood swings, irritability, aggression, or withdrawal from social activities. These behavioral changes may be accompanied by a decline in personal hygiene, neglect of responsibilities, or a loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities.

2. Physical and Emotional Health Deterioration

An individual struggling with drug/alcohol or mental health issues may experience a decline in their physical and emotional well-being. They may exhibit signs of chronic fatigue, insomnia, weight loss or gain, and unexplained physical ailments. Additionally, they may display symptoms of anxiety, depression, paranoia, or frequent emotional outbursts.

3. Substance Abuse or Dependence

The misuse or abuse of drugs or alcohol is often a clear indicator that an intervention is necessary. Look for signs such as increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, unsuccessful attempts to quit, or secretive behavior related to substance use. Substance abuse can have severe consequences on an individual’s physical and mental health, as well as their relationships and overall functioning.

4. Suicidal Thoughts or Self-Harm

If an individual expresses thoughts of self-harm or suicide, it is crucial to take immediate action. These signs should never be ignored, and professional help should be sought without delay. Look for warning signs such as talking about wanting to die, giving away belongings, expressing feelings of hopelessness, or engaging in self-destructive behaviors.

5. Social Isolation and Relationship Problems

A person in need of crisis intervention may isolate themselves from family and friends, avoiding social interactions and withdrawing from their support system. They may also experience difficulties in maintaining healthy relationships, leading to conflicts, strained communication, or a loss of trust.

6. Legal or Financial Issues

Unresolved legal problems or financial difficulties can be indicative of an underlying drug/alcohol or mental health crisis. These issues may arise due to impulsive or risky behaviors associated with substance abuse or impaired decision-making caused by mental health conditions.

7. Decline in Work or Academic Performance

A noticeable decline in work or academic performance can be a red flag for a crisis intervention. Individuals struggling with drug/alcohol or mental health issues may experience difficulties concentrating, meeting deadlines, or maintaining regular attendance. This decline can have significant consequences on their professional or educational goals.

Recognizing these signs is the first step towards initiating a drug/alcohol or mental health crisis intervention. If you observe any of these signs in yourself or a loved one, it is essential to seek professional help from a healthcare provider, counselor, or helpline specializing in crisis intervention. Remember, early intervention can make a significant difference in promoting recovery and improving overall well-being.







CIN is here to help.


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